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PHD Clinical Psychology Statement of Purpose

PHD Clinical Psychology Child and Adolescent Personal Statement Examples
PHD Clinical Psychology Child and Adolescent Statement of Purpose

PHD Clinical Psychology Statement
PHD Clinical Psychology Statement of Purpose Examples, Writing Service

I hope to be accepted to the PHD Program in Clinical Psychology at XXXX University. Your program is my first choice for a variety of reasons, especially your focus on and special excellence in Child and Adolescent Psychology. In my senior year of college, I became a Psi Chi member and actively participated in a research conference at XXXX. My research included determining whether exposure to classical music increases long term memory retention while studying. During my last semester of college, I participated in an exchange program at the University of XXXX. I was a regular writer for the XXXX newspaper as well as enrolled in a mass communications class, which required preparing a report on how the media affects children psychologically. Our professor introduced me to media psychology, which accounts for my passion for studying how people are influenced by the media and how it shapes their perceptions.

I also completed a research project concerning media messages directed toward young people. I have studied extensively how human beings have an ongoing process of communicative interaction by which we collectively develop culturally through shared meanings of objects, events, and situations and the ways in which individuals within the culture are expected to conform to certain norms that serve to constantly reinforce the beliefs, and behavior in question. This results in certain accepted perceptions of what is normal behavior.

PHD Clinical Psychology Statement
PHD Clinical Psychology Statement of Purpose Examples, Personal Statement Writing

My specific areas of interest at XXXX are aligned with that of Dr. XXXX, with his focus on child clinical psychology. I look forward to sharing some of my experiences and enthusiasm, especially since I have a well-developed ability to listen to others with understanding and compassion. I hope to make a positive difference in people's lives and learn all that I can about self-understanding and self-perceptions of children and adults, especially those with learning disorders (LD). I want to study the many ways that children's self-esteem is affected by disabilities, various handicaps, and other difficulties in their lives. I want to get involved in the field of child media psychology, and I have extraordinary gifts because of my well-developed love for music, dance, painting, and astrology. I also enjoy working with animals as they add so much joy to our lives.

I would like to develop a research project that focuses on both dreams and daydreams of children and young adults and demonstrate how they can serve to help to heal internal trauma and tension. I want to further investigate Freud's theory of how unconscious motives and feelings people experience as children have an enormous impact on the development of adult personality and behavior. I believe the more one learns to interpret one's dreams, the more they will come to know themselves. During high school, I became extensively involved in working with children with family difficulties. I started volunteering at elementary schools and middle schools, talking with them, and tutoring them with any subjects they needed help with. Gradually, I came to realize where my strengths of service lie.

I also lead a first-year retreat to help new students acclimate to the high school environment while learning more about themselves. In college, I became Vice President of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. The duty of Vice President included setting up a mentoring program for a local high school. I presented topics such as leadership skills, identification of goals and dreams, effective study skills, volunteering in the community, how to build your self-esteem, and how to utilize your creativity by being creative. This program provided an outlet for all participating students to feel more optimistic and set goals for their futures, gaining confidence and an enhanced sense of self-worth.

Thank you for your consideration of my application.

PHD Clinical Psychology Statement of Purpose


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