It is my sincere hope to be selected to complete a fellowship position in Pediatric Surgery. A well-practiced surgeon, I have completed a 5-year residency position in Surgery. My country, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is a rich country with a young population nearly one-third of which is under the age of fourteen. Thus, we have a particular need and the means of providing surgical care to the youngest among us to optimize their health sustainably, educating them for a healthy future. During my five years as a resident in Surgery, I have rotated between several different hospital centers which have helped me to learn to be adaptable and to think on my feet in new environments. From general to tertiary centers. I treated patients and outpatients, also serving in ER as well as the ICU, OPD, and OR. I have participated in and performed a broad diversity of surgical procedures. I stay abreast of the literature in my field, conscious of the importance of lifetime education and the ongoing learning that enables us to perform at the forefront, providing optimal care.

I was first introduced to Pediatric Surgery after completing an elective rotation in this area while still in medical school. The last year of my residency in Surgery was dedicated exclusively to our high volume of patients in need of surgery due to cancer. I learned a great deal in this last year of my residency about children, cancer, and especially cancer surgery; and I hope to continue to stay active in these areas. As I see it, there could be no more noble work than surgically removing malignant tumors from the body of a child. I could not be more pleased with my choice of career, sub-specialization, and area of research in pediatric surgical oncology. I already had a good sense of direction by my last year in medical school; so, given the opportunity, I jumped at the chance to complete an elective rotation in Pediatric Surgery at SickKids Hospital in Toronto. There, I realized that I had found my calling as a pediatric surgeon. I also have volunteer experience with the Red Crescent campaign attending to the primary care needs of Hajji pilgrims.

I am well equipped for a fast-moving environment, a talented multitasker, and accustomed to working alongside and treating people from all over the world. I now have sufficient experience and skill to hit the ground running and excel in a pediatric surgical fellowship, with the right attitude for becoming an exceptional pediatric surgeon. The total number of qualified Saudi pediatric surgeons in my country is around fifty; the Saudi government has identified this area as one that suffers from a workforce shortage. I seek to respond to this need in the long term. My being accepted to your fellowship program in North America will help us to advance the level of care that we can provide to children in need of surgery in the KSA. I would also be inspired and enabled to pursue my sub-specialty: pediatric surgical oncology. My central goal is to become regarded as one of the top pediatric surgeons in my country.
Children cannot always say what is bothering them. They cannot always answer medical questions and are not always able to be patient and helpful during a medical examination. I want to become not just a top-notch pediatric surgeon, but one that excels at relaxing children and stimulating their cooperation.
Thank you for considering my application.
Pediatric Surgery Fellowship Personal Statement