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Ob Gyn Personal Statement Editing Service

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

Ob Gyn Personal Statement Professional Writing and Editing Service
Professional Ob Gyn Personal Statement Editing Service

I received the news that I was accepted into medical school standing under the Eiffel Tower. In that beautiful and heady spot, I realized that my dream of becoming a physician would indeed come true. Even then, I felt that Obstetrics and Gynecology might be my calling. I have been inspired by my mother and stepmother to appreciate the unique challenges that women in our society face in finding time to care for their own physical, emotional, and reproductive health while helping to support their families and care for their children. My experiences during college, working and playing sports with female students of all cultures and economic backgrounds, and my volunteer experiences in oncology and family planning reinforced my interest and concern for women's issues.

Ob Gyn Personal Statement Writing and Editing Service
Ob Gyn Personal Statement Writing and Editing Service, Examples

During medical school, my desire to practice Obstetrics and Gynecology has grown as my exposure to the specialty has increased. The diversity of the field is particularly appealing. I will be able to care for women from adolescence to well beyond retirement. Obstetrics and Gynecology will allow me to practice preventive medicine and provide continuity of care. Seeing patients on a regular basis for prenatal care and getting to know them and their family is rewarding. I am honored that patients feel comfortable enough with me that they are willing to trust me with intimate personal information to allow me to better serve them. I will have the opportunity to work with women on the challenging issues they face throughout life from family planning, childbirth, cancer, and surgery to menopause and incontinence. The technical aspects of Obstetrics and Gynecology are also attractive. I take pride in being precise and deeply appreciate surgery as an art form.

I not only enjoy working closely with and learning from my peers but also assisting those coming up behind me. Mentoring a first-year student during my clinical clerkships was gratifying. Helping him feel more comfortable in the hospital by teaching him concepts related to patient care has made me look forward to instructing medical students during my residency and beyond.

Ob Gyn Personal Statement Writing and Editing Service
Ob Gyn Personal Statement Writing and Editing Service

I have been able to accomplish my dreams with the encouragement and support of my parents and sisters. I have learned from them and from my life experience that being able to relate to women in every lifestyle requires a well-rounded individual. Since I have moved frequently, staying in close contact with family and friends is important. Enjoying rollerblading, swimming, exploring my community, going to the local zoo, and spending time outdoors keeps me in touch with life outside medicine. While opportunities for travel have been limited during medical school, I was fortunate enough to backpack through Europe the summer before medical school and spend Spring break in Costa Rica two years ago.

At present, my short- medium- and long-term goals are the same. to practice general Obstetrics and Gynecology. Yet, I will be open to and challenged by the potential for pursuing one or another subspecialty.

Thanks for your consideration.

Ob Gyn Personal Statement Editing Service


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