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'MPH Public Oral Health Personal Purpose Statement Writing and Editing Assistance'

Updated: Jul 23

My GPA was not competitive enough to get me accepted to dental school. Thus, I need to improve my academic credentials if I am to realize my dream of spending the future as a humanitarian dentist provider with a special focus on the Developing World. I feel strongly that earning the MPH Degree with a focus on global health structures – and special attention to developing regions of the world – would be the best way for me to prepare myself not only in terms of getting accepted to dental school after completing the MPH Degree, but also preparing myself for a lifetime of service to the oral health care needs of the underserved on a global level.

MPH Public Oral Health Personal  Statement
MPH Public Oral Health Personal Purpose Statement

I look forward to using my Spanish language skills at some point in my career doing mission work in Latin America since I am fluent in this language. I have already been to Africa and could not be more enthused about the prospect of further preparation in health care initiatives for the Developing World. XXXX University is my first choice among MPH Programs because I am a good fit with your global focus and special attention paid to the needs of people in poorer countries.

MPH Public Oral Health Personal  Statement
MPH Public Oral Health Personal Purpose Statement

Born and raised in the USA, I am culturally as well as genetically an Indian woman since my family is Indian. Nevertheless, the special needs and profound challenges that I experienced for 6 weeks in Uganda working with an NGO dedicated to providing health care to the people made such a profound impression on me that I have completely fallen in love with the idea of helping people in Africa as well as Latin America and India. While I understand that I cannot be everywhere at once, I am most keen about doing comparative projects and studies of dental initiatives that analyze the special challenges presented in certain regions from a global perspective. Doing research and writing projects as a master's student in Public Health at XXXX University will prepare me for a lifetime of service in dentistry especially as a dentist with a focus on the development of oral health care infrastructures where none yet exist.

MPH Public Oral Health Personal  Statement
MPH Public Oral Health Personal Purpose Statement

I joined the University’s dance team during my first year and eventually served as a choreographer as well as a dancer. This took up a lot of time and had a negative impact on my grades during certain critical junctures that I have lived to regret, especially organic chemistry. Nevertheless, everything that I have studied is somehow related to healthcare, my first year with CPR and EMT courses for example. I also joined GlobeMed, a student organization that would enable me to branch out beyond my area of focus in classes. In my junior year I spent 6 weeks in Uganda as volunteer for GlobeMed’s sister organization, Set Her Free, designing a monitoring and evaluation system for a reusable pad program that enabled adolescent girls in rural areas to attend school.

I became increasingly involved in GlobeMed during my sophomore and junior years, serving as a campaign coordinator in charge of planning events such as a benefit gala and a 5K run, with the proceeds would go to Set Her Free. By my senior year, I decided to take on the role of co-president, where I oversaw all GlobeMed’s operations.

Honored as one of the top thirty-four art students in my home state of North Carolina, I have also shadowed a dentist and have been engaged extensively in research as well, helping professors with a variety of duties and experiments and taking a research class in the hospital under the guidance of Dr. XXXX from the NIH.

Thank you for considering my application to your distinguished MPH Program at XXXX University.

MPH Public Oral Health Personal Purpose Statement


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