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MPH Personal Purpose Statement Samples | Writing and Editing Assistance

Updated: Jul 23, 2024

Like most young people, I had a desire to spend my life ‘making a difference’ rather than merely making a living and, like so many others I suppose, the necessity to make a living became the focus. The event that fired my interest in health was the premature birth of my son and his consequent medical problems. It was difficult find the kind of information and assistance that I felt was needed and, while researching, discovered the key role of Public Health professionals in protecting and promoting health in the community and undertaking research to advance these aims. As a numerate and intellectually curious person who is at ease with people and interested in their problems, I recognized this subject as the ‘key’ to making a difference. I have never regretted my choice and have become increasingly fascinated with the subject, and its potential for good, as my academic and professional careers have progressed.

MPH Personal  Statement Samples
MPH Personal Purpose Statement Samples

I anticipate graduating in June of this year with a B.Sc. in Public Health and now seek to acquire the additional skills and knowledge that will enable me to maximize my usefulness to society and to achieve my personal goals.

I have studied for my associate and bachelor's degrees while also working, usually in roles related to Public Health, which is a demonstration of the determination, academic potential, and diligence that I shall bring to the program. It has also provided me with valuable and relevant professional experience in the field. I have also assisted in health awareness and promotion projects as part of my studies, among the student population. I believe that constant exposure to ‘real life’ situations are vital to those studying or practicing this specialty to ensure that real people with real problems do not become mere budgetary units or statistical data in the minds for those who have accepted the grave responsibility for seeking to improve their health and lives. It is my intention to seek such real-world exposure throughout my studies and career to ensure that I retain my focus on the underlying ‘why’ of my work.

MPH Personal  Statement Samples
MPH Personal Purpose Statement Samples

I am especially interested in the prevention of HIV, diabetes and obesity and hope to assist in research relating to one or more of these problems. I am also becoming interested in the special and historically unique public health challenges that come with an increasingly aged population.

I relate easily with others and have happily worked, socialized, and studied with people of many cultural and social backgrounds. I enjoy collaborating with others to achieve common goals. I am a confident speaker and competent writer.

I am seeking a highly challenging but supportive academic environment and am assured by those who have passed through the program that this will undoubtedly be provided. I have researched various Master’s Public Health programs and conclude that your own is by far the best ‘fit’ for my aspiration to beneficially affect the lives of many and my career goals. I am especially drawn by the fact that the faculty is seeking to identify new ways of dealing with comparatively old and stubbornly persistent public health problems. I am impressed with the breadth of the curriculum which fits well with my own specific areas of interest and in the emphasis on the practical and based on a widely interdisciplinary basis which I see as a necessity for rapid progress in addressing so many of the Public Health problems facing today’s societies.

MPH Personal  Statement Samples
MPH Personal Purpose Statement Samples

I am interested in the Sustainable Development Goals option which most closely aligns with my own special interests and areas of special competency such as global environmental health, data analysis, risk assessment and epidemiology. I have an excellent academic base in these subjects supplemented by significant and highly relevant work. I intend to use these foundations to build expertise that will equip me to make a real, early, and beneficial difference to the lives of many.

I am also interested in acquiring a ‘wider picture’ in terms of global health challenges and how other major factors affecting well-being impact upon health, such as education, politics, societal norms, and cultural considerations. I am currently a Health Educator working with clients from various parts of the world and have a basic appreciation of these factors in health and wish to advance my understanding to enable me to help member of disadvantaged communities to improve their personal health, track disease outbreaks and solve problems within distinct communities.

My initial goal is to apply my knowledge and skills within the military. Eventually, I hope to work in the country of my birth, Trinidad, where such preventable problems as HIV and diabetes are prevalent, to advance health education, especially in those areas. I also hope to undertake useful research and to teach and so share my passion for finding and applying solutions to public health problems. I have no formal teaching experience, but I am an effective mentor to associate students of Public Health in which capacity I encourage and assist with practical and academic problems to enable them to succeed in their programs.

MPH Personal Purpose Statement Samples


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