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Exploring MPH Epidemiology Personal Purpose Statement Examples for Graduate School

Updated: Jul 23

The Master of Public Health in Applied Epidemiology at XXXX University is my first choice for graduate school for a variety of reasons ranging from what is for me your ideal location to the very thoroughgoing nature of your program. I appreciate the enormous and diverse experience of your faculty, especially in the areas of microbiology and epidemiology. I appreciate your focus on application as well as theory and I see your program as the optimal springboard to launch my career as a research scientist, as skilled in the field as I am in the laboratory.

MPH Epidemiology Personal  Statement Examples
MPH Epidemiology Personal Purpose Statement Examples, Professional Editing Service Help

I look forward to a long and successful career in the forefront of data collection and analysis in epidemiology, an accomplished statistician using specialized software and managing copious amounts of data. I also very much appreciate the way that your program emphasizes the importance of multicultural influences and how culture has an impact on public health. I am convinced that I am a good fit for the XXXX community and that your program is the best location for me to flourish intellectually and socially as well as academically.

Originally from Peru where I spent the first 10 years of my life before coming to the USA with my mother, I look forward to contributing to the diversity of your distinguished MPH Epidemiology Program at XXXX as someone whose first language is Spanish, thus opening many doors for communication with the underserved as well as investigative research concerning Hispanic communities on both sides of the border. At the center of my own research interests stand questions of ethnicity, who are/aren't genetically disposed to lung and liver cancer for example. Fully dedicated to lifelong learning, I look forward to another half century or so working to unlock mysteries: To what extent are certain cancers environmental, dietary, or propagated by certain genes that are more common among some ethnicities than others?

MPH Epidemiology Personal Statement Examples
MPH Epidemiology Personal Purpose Statement Examples, Professional Public Health Editor

I look to Latin America with great hope and optimism for our future as a global medical community. Ethnicity is especially important to me because I hope to build a professional research focus on the way that certain diseases tend to be concentrated in certain ethnicities, questions that I hope to probe along with the other members of my research team in a search for clues that will ultimately enable us to better fight against the disease entity in question.

I look forward to developing a cutting edge understanding of liver and lung cancer among African Americans and Latinos. I also look forward to an in-depth analysis of why skin, bladder, and testicular cancer are most frequently found among whites or people of European descent. I cannot think of any work that would be more noble for me to undertake than joining the crusade against cancer, spending my professional life in a clinical-based setting such as a country public health facility. I see research as the center of my world throughout my professional future, studying and hopefully publishing at some point, the exploration of complex cancer genotypes and how they interact with their environments.

I also want very much to combine adventure with science and travel to remote parts of the world in search of cancers, genes, even remedies that will help us in our fight against cancer. I am especially enthused, for example, by recent research undertaken on the venom of a wasp in Brazil’s Amazon that attacks cancer cells while leaving surrounding tissue undamaged.

MPH Epidemiology Personal Purpose Statement Examples
MPH Epidemiology Personal Purpose Statement Examples, Professional Writing Service

I am bilingual Spanish/English, raised by a low-income, single mother, and my grandmother died of lung cancer. Losing my grandmother inspired me to become certified as a Nursing Assistant and to earn my living this way. I take care mostly of patients battling cancer and their valiant struggle and their suffering has inspired me to devote myself to cancer research.

I have always adored soccer and the link that it has provided me back to my roots in Latin America. Mostly for this reason I considered a career in Sports Medicine and prepared for this goal by completing my BS in Kinesiology (2014).

The extensive experience that I have gained professional as a Nurse Assistant will also serve me well as a graduate student in Public Health and Epidemiology as I have been becoming increasingly familiar with healthcare practices and protocols and learning many procedures from a wide range of highly dedicated health care professionals, working as a member of multidisciplinary healthcare teams. I have been serving as a CAN since 2012 and providing direct patient care has helped me to grow as a human being, practicing compassion, analytical thinking, and working to always enhance my bedside manner, striving not for perfection but for constant progress.

I have also volunteered extensively with a local group of the United Friends of the Children; this has also helped me to think in creative ways about our celebration of diversity in California and the beautiful resources that it puts at our disposal for collaboration and advancement in public health care.

Thank you for considering my application to your distinguished program at XXXX.

MPH Epidemiology Personal Purpose Statement Examples


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