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MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Healthcare

Updated: Jun 6, 2024

I am a 27-year-old Indian man, born and raised in India and have lived in the United States for 2 years. I am fluent in Hindi and English. I finished dental school in India with a GPA of 3.7. My most formative experience occurred when I undertook Community Service as a student. I was exposed to close contact with those experiencing extreme poverty and saw the effect of their environment on their health. I helped in sorting donated medical supplies and in maintaining medical records at a local hospital. I resolved to do what I could to enhance the health and wellbeing of the poor at this time.

MPA Public Administration Personal  Healthcare
MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Healthcare

The interaction with healthcare workers inspired me to pursue a degree in dental surgery from a leading dental teaching school in India. During my undergraduate studies, I took courses in Oral Epidemiology, Pathology and Microbiology which provided me with an understanding of oral and dental health. I assisted in the organization of free ‘Dental Camps’ in village communities in one of the very poorest areas of the country during which villagers were provided with dental care and taught about the maintenance of oral health. This was extremely rewarding work.

In my final year, I interned at a dental clinic to provide me with further experience in community dentistry in addition to furthering my practical knowledge. I was involved in examining one patient with a pre-cancerous condition and urged him to stop smoking and chewing tobacco; I subsequently discovered that he had failed to take this advice and that cancer had resulted in fatal consequences. This incident confirmed my determination to promote health provision and education among the underprivileged.

MPA Public Administration Personal   Healthcare
MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Healthcare

The Charter adopted at the inauguration of the UN General Assembly in 1948 states that the right to health is a fundamental one, yet after 60 years, two thirds of the world’s population is deprived of this right. My application for the MPA program arises from a passion for enhancing health education in underprivileged communities where access to it limited or non-existent, and to help me fulfill my ambition to join, or possibly to set up, an organization dedicated shaping and implementing public health policies.

I have seen up close how much basic health care and health education is needed and how much and how rapidly it can affect lives, I am determined to be involved in helping to provide this and to do so as widely as possible.

MPA Public Administration Personal Healthcare
MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Healthcare

I believe that I have the background, academic ability and, most importantly, the passion and drive to profit from the MPA program. It is my hope to specialize in Health Administration. I believe that the management education that participation in the MPA program will provide is highly relevant to my purposes and will provide me with the very best management training and tools to achieve my goals.

I am aware that this is a prestigious program and I know that it will attract very many highly qualified applicants. However, I believe that I can bring valuable and unique insights and perspectives from my experiences to the academic community.

Thank you for considering my application.

MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Healthcare

MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose
MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Healthcare
MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose
MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Healthcare
MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Examples
MPA Public Administration Personal Purpose Healthcare


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