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MA Psychology Personal Statement of Purpose

Updated: Sep 4

I am a well-balanced young adult who continually looks to the future. I have always had dreams to follow, and as they draw nearer, I finally see light at the end of the tunnel. I am always looking for a new challenge and feel I need a demanding and challenging job. I would therefore love to see myself in the police force in years to come. I work hard to achieve my goals and hope all my hard work pays off in the future.

I have professional experience with a large legal practice and hope to become a police officer. I have decided to apply to study toward the master's degree in psychology which has long been my favorite academic subject and will best prepare me to make my maximum contribution to the police force as an African man in these troubled times with racial affairs unfortunately so prominent in the headlines. I want to understand better how others think and feel and how they put those thoughts and feelings into practice.

I care about what other people think and try to do my best to suit everyone. I currently hold the position of deputy head girl at one of Ayrshire's top secondary schools. I always try to take the views of others into consideration and make decisions in accordance with what I feel is best. I assiduously cultivate my teamwork and leadership skills. My teaching position has led me to think creatively about management skills and responsibility. I am also a member of the senior school committee, charity committee, and social committee within the school, showing my enthusiasm and commitment to our school.

MA Psychology,  Kenyan, Future African-American Police Officer
MA Psychology Statement of Purpose Writing and Editing Service

My balanced personality and enthusiasm for a challenge will help me in graduate school. I am currently exercising my leadership skill as a fundraiser for our trip to Kenya with the internationally recognized Fulcrum Challenge. This will not only open my eyes to the rest of the world, but I will enhance my self-respect, self-leadership, and self-responsibility, all of which are essential for outstanding performance as a graduate student.

I love spending time with my friends and family, playing sports, and being a member of the Young Farmers. I am also participating in the ongoing rehearsals for my school's production of West Side Story. The theater cultivates my creativity concerning teamwork as well as confidence and self-initiative. I currently hold a weekend job in JJB Sports. This has helped me to develop an adult approach to working life, time management, and commitment.

MA Psychology,  Kenyan, Future African-American Police Officer
MA Psychology Statement of Purpose Examples

For me graduate school is the first stage of gaining what I want out of life, I also feel it would open my eyes to the 'real' world. As well as gaining the essential qualifications that I need to proceed in my chosen career I hope to gain confidence in myself as well as make new friends and enjoy and learn from the experience. My variety of interests has broadened my general knowledge, helping me to gain self-confidence and take responsibility for my own life. I have gained skills from various places and people and feel that the skills and knowledge will benefit my career, first in Psychology and later in Law Enforcement.

MA Psychology Personal Statement of Purpose


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