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Emergency Medicine Residency Personal Statement

Updated: Aug 28, 2024

Professional Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Writing Service Examples
Emergency Medicine Residency, Doctor from Nepal, USMLE Prep Center Instructor

Like many young people, my life goal was to do good for others in a career, and, fortunately, an aptitude and passion for the sciences led me to train as a physician. I have never regretted this decision and feel privileged to be a member of a profession that is of such benefit to humanity.

I studied at the Universal College of Medical Sciences in Nepal, a first-class medical school linked to a large and well-equipped teaching hospital. Having graduated in 2015, I interned for seven months in Emergency Medicine. I learned how to provide timely and excellent care under the supervision of caring, dedicated, skilled practitioners and as part of a well-coordinated multidisciplinary team.

Professional Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Writing Service Examples
Emergency Medicine Residency Personal Statement Examples

Since arriving in the US in mid-2016, I have undertaken several observer ships and externships in various specialties. I have also worked as a lecturer in USMLE Prep. Center’, and currently split my time between roles as a Physician’s Scribe, a Research Assistant at XXXX State, and a Telemetry Technician working with cardiac patients. Two of my internships in the US have been in Internal Medicine.

I have very much enjoyed internal medicine because it calls for a comprehensive approach, which I strongly endorse. The opportunities to provide adequate preventative health education, the intellectual challenges in making timely and accurate diagnoses, the exciting and constant advances in the development of diagnostic tools and therapeutic techniques, and the teamwork involved all attract me to the specialty. However, I seek a career involving constant and substantial patient contact that I love and excel in. I have been exposed to the unique health needs of the poor and marginalized in Nepal, and I particularly wish to work with such populations. My goal is to acquire extensive experience as a specialist Internist and then find a clinic in an area with a scarcity of high-quality health provision or work in a hospital providing care to marginalized populations.

Professional Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Writing Service Examples
Emergency Medicine Residency Personal Statement

I have thoroughly enjoyed the research experience gained to date. I believe that the characteristics of a good researcher, such as determination, critical thinking, originality, creativity, communication skills, and teamwork, significantly overlap with those called for in an excellent internist. I would not be making this application if I were not convinced that I possess these comparatively rare characteristics and the potential to develop them further. I am particularly interested in research relating to CHF and applying the skills and knowledge I am acquiring as a Telemetry Technician.

I have sought as much exposure to the US medical environment as possible and believe I am acquiring an excellent understanding of it. I have happily worked, studied, and socialized with people of many cultural and social backgrounds in Nepal and the US. I fully appreciate the vital need for cultural sensitivity and awareness in the specialty; I enjoy learning about other cultures and sharing knowledge of my rich heritage.

I am particularly attracted to the XXU program because my work there has involved contact with the impressive student body, the excellent faculty, and the exceptional facilities. I seek a highly challenging but supportive academic environment and am confident that this will be provided. The breadth of the curriculum and program structure is also an excellent ‘fit’ for my purposes, particularly the opportunity to study cardiology, an area of particular interest to me as a sub-specialty. I can assure the reader that I shall apply myself with exceptional diligence and enthusiasm and seek to ‘add value to the program.

Thank you for considering my application for a residency position in Emergency Medicine.

Emergency Medicine Residency Personal Statement


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