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Athlete to Medical School, Personal Statement Example

Updated: Aug 22

Experiences and defining moments shape who we are to become. Moments in time, like when a small-town medical doctor diagnosed my little brother with bacterial meningitis, catching the disease just in time and saving his life, have left me in awe of the medical profession and its ability. How could I forget the time I was able to save a friend's life during a game of ice hockey when everyone else was skating away in horror: I grabbed his lacerated wrist and applied pressure until help could arrive. Later he would receive an operation and two hundred stitches, keeping his life and hand. I returned to that moment in time, repeatedly, recalling my fascination with the physiology of the human arm.

It wasn't a case of simply congratulating myself: I had found my calling. I wanted to become a medical doctor. I re-entered college and applied like never before from that moment forward. I managed to coordinate my time between a demanding 40-hour workweek as a grocery store manager, all its responsibilities, and a full-time undergraduate course load. I'm proud to make the Dean's List every semester. While most of my friends watched in amazement and wondered how I could handle the stress, I felt invigorated and awaited the next challenge.

Professional Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Writing Service Examples
Athlete to Medical School, Personal Statement Example

While shadowing physicians in various situations, I have seen first-hand the skills necessary to work in such an environment. The skills are unlike those I already utilize in my management position: leadership, a calm demeanor, maintaining good customer relations, listening to the customer's concerns, giving positive feedback, and using and working with co-workers effectively in cooperation. I can bring to the medical field-specific lessons I have learned while working in management: an efficient and successful working environment is paramount. At the same time, while volunteering at my local soup kitchen, I have learned humility. I continue to help my community by using my supermarket manager position to coordinate fundraisers and donations.

Professional Personal Statement of Purpose Editing and Writing Service Examples
Athlete to Medical School, Professional Personal Statement Sample

In my spare time, I pour over medical textbooks on anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Reading about disease systems and their treatments holds particular interest to me. I don't have time for the latest bestseller, yet I always have time for Gray's Anatomy.

Within the next ten years, my goal is to own and operate a successful small-town medical practice specializing in osteopathy. Through my place in the community as their doctor, I hope that I can become a vital role model, sharing my passion, and helping others walk a similar path.

Athlete to Medical School, Personal Statement Example

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